What Students Say

My reasoning for being in Diverse OT is to not only learn and educate others about how to provide culturally responsive care, but to also encourage marginalized students to pursue a career in the health field. I have hopes that in the near future, health care professionals will be representative of all ethnicities, cultures, genders, and races.
Julia G.
University of Wisconsin-Madison

I decided to join Diverse-OT to help build a community and foster a sense of belonging for marginalized emerging clinicians. I am hopeful that the space we fill with our diverse identities pushes for a cultural shift that encourages our field toward more equitable, inclusive, and accessible care
Meghna K
Boston University

I joined Diverse OT to remove as many barriers as possible for prospective occupational therapy students of underrepresented and marginalized backgrounds. To keep true to our OT’s value of occupational justice and to work towards a society in which individuals have equitable opportunities for occupational engagement.
Cindy P.
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee